The heart of the monster

Nez Perce legend offers history of Nimipuu people.

“The creation legend tells the story of Coyote defeating the monster, and, as he dripped the blood and tossed the heart said, ‘Where this blood lands and with this heart will grow a people. They’ll be strong. They’ll be brave. They’ll have good hearts. They will live good lives. And these will be the Nez Perce.’

Taken from Coyote and the Swallowing Monster told by Mari Watters, Nimipuu, 1991

A rich history:

Heart of the Monster is located on U.S. Highway 12 near Kamiah. This site includes a large parking area, interpretive center and restrooms. The paved walking trail leads to the large, fenced mound that is where the “Heart of the Monster” landed.

A recorded message at the site tells the entire story of the Nez Perce creation legend and can be listened to while viewing the area. Bird watchers may see wood ducks, osprey, gray catbird, and cedar waxwings in the area.